Test page

This is a test page.

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

This is normal text.
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
This is monospace text.
This is a link.
This is an inline cite.

This is a code block:
// Test code block
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
This is a block quote.
An unordered list: An ordered list:
  1. First,
  2. second, and
  3. third, with some stuff:
    1. Some item,
    2. some other item,
    3. ...and another one


Site tree, with links (<%tree:Home|<@LTITLE@>%>):

Site tree, without links and with descriptions (<%tree:Home|<b><@TITLE@></b>: <@DESCR@>%>):

Links to some internal pages: Home, About and Test page.

Children pages of the main page (macro, placed inside an <ul> block: <%children:Home|<li><@LTITLE@></li>%>):

Same as above, but with descriptions (macro: <%children:Home|<li><@LTITLE@>: <@DESCR@></li>%>):

Ancestor pages: