
This site is written as a set of raw HTML pages (i.e., what will go inside a certain section of the <body> of the generated pages) and, currently, generated by means of an always-evolving, custom static site generator, written in Tcl, which gets modified according to my needs. The generated pages are just static HTML, with no need for any server- and client-side tooling for its rendering.

For the styling and presentation of its pages, the stylesheet and the template are custom-written by myself. The format of this template was designed along with the development of the SSG.

The only JavaScript used in this site is for changing the size of the logo in the header, as well as for animating it, when clicked. The site's functioning won't be affected if it's removed.

Since it needs to be readable (and editable) offline, I try to avoid any kind of resources that are located offsite and/or depend on an internet connection (like scripts, stylesheets and fonts, among others). Also, I need it to consume as less bandwidth —other than for delivering this site— and browser resources as possible. So, it only uses web-safe fonts and, if other fonts are needed, they will be stored as part of the site's local files (and in its server), if possible.

The source code of this site, as well as the SSG's, is stored in a Git repository, where any changes done are logged there. It is currently hosted here.

This site was first created in April 14, 2024.


I started making this site because I needed to organize and show the stuff I make properly. Several years ago, I opened a blog-only page, but it turned out to not be fit at all for my needs.